14. Froglet
Photo 14- This froglet is still undergoing metamorphosis. He has a long tail that will later be absorbed into his body and used to grow bigger.
15. Acrobatic
Photo 15- This red-eyed treefrog was swinging on a branch like an acrobat. They have long legs and sticky fingers for climbing. This species is about three inches long (head and body) with even longer hind legs. They are leaf-green and very hard to find day or night. We found them because they were singing their song, which sounds like hiccups, and we could listen for where the sound came from.
16. Fingers
Photo 16 shows this frog’s yellow fingers with their wide tips. The fingertips are adhesive pads. When we gently caught a frog, he leaped from hand to hand and walked up our arms before taking a great long leap back into the low tree branches.
17. Snail
Photo 17- This tree snail was also active at night. You can see his tiny black eyes on the ends of stalks, which he can point in any direction. The "skirt" around the bottom of the snail is really his foot, which produces a slime that the snail can slide along and move forward easily. I called this snail "he" but snails are usually both male and female.
We’ll have more photos for you another day.
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